Article #4 by Lara Savani
Inventions and Inventors
Ever wondered who invented your favorite everyday items? Let’s dive into the world of amazing gadgets and inventions and in the process, meet the brilliant minds behind them. From the light bulb to a chocolate chip cookie, these inventions have shaped our world in incredible ways. And at the end, you’ll find some fun experiments to try at home!
The Light Bulb:
Thomas Edison is one of the most famous inventors of all time; his invention changed the world forever. Before electric lights like the ones we use today, people used candles and oil lamps as a source of illumination. Edison’s light bulb provided a safer and more reliable source of light, making it impossible for people to work and play long after the sun went down. Did you know Edison’s lab tested over 6,000 different materials to find the perfect filament for the light bulb. They even tried using bamboo!
The Telephone:
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, which revolutionized the way we communicate. Before the telephone, people had to send letters or telegraphs to communicate over long distances. Bell’s invention allowed people to talk to each other instantly, no matter how far apart they were. Bell was actually inspired to invent the telephone because both this mother and wife were deaf.
The Airplane:
The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilber, made the first successful powered flight in 1903. Their invention of the invention of the airplane transformed the way we travel and connect to the world in ways that were previously unimaginable. Their first flight lasted just 12 seconds, but it paved the way for modern aviation.
The Printing Press:
Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the spread of information. Before the printing press, books were copied by hand, which was a slow and expensive process. Gutenberg’s press made it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply, allowing more people to learn and share knowledge. The Gutenberg bible was the first major book printed using movable type.
The Chocolate Chip Cookie:
Ruth Wakefield invented the Chocolate Chip Cookie by accident when she ran out of baker’s chocolate and used chopped-up semi-sweet chocolate instead. Her creation quickly became a favorite treat, and the original recipe was sold to Nestlé in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate.
The Popsicle:
In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Apperson accidentally left a mixture of powdered soda, water, and a stirring stick outside on a cold night. The next morning, he discovered that it had frozen into a tasty treat on a stick. He called it the “Epsicle,” which later became known as the popsicle. This cool invention is now a favorite summer treat for kids and adults alike so the next time you had a popsicle on a hot summer day, thank Frank for starting the whole trend.
The Post-it-Note:
The Post-it Note was invented by accident when Spencer Silver, a scientist was trying to create a super-strong adhesive but ended up with a weak, reusable one. His colleague, Art Fry, thought it would be perfect for bookmarking his hymnbook without damaging the pages. This led to the creation of the Post-it-Note, now an essential tool for reminders and organization.
Fun Experiments and Activities:
Simple Circuit:
Build a basic electrical circuit to understand how the light bulb works. Using a battery, wires, small light blub, and tape, you can understand the basics of electricity. Connect the battery, wires, and light bulb in order to create light.
Paper Cup Telephone:
Another fun experiment that is one of my favorites is paper cup telephone. This is something every kid can make and a it never gets old. By poking holes into paper cups and connecting them with a string, children can create a basic telephone. When they speak into one cup, the sound waves travel along the string to the other cup, where they can be heard. This teaches kids about vibrations, sound waves, and how sound can travel.
Print with Potato Stamps:
For this hands on art project, you will need potatoes, paint, a knife, and paper. By cutting shapes into potatoes and dipping them in paint, they can create stamps to print designs on paper. You can cut many different shapes. Further advance your knowledge by searching up the origin of those shapes and symbols and let me know what catches your eye!
We invite you to try the experiments, share your thoughts, and follow our blog for more exciting S.T.E.A.M. topics. Dive into learning, and who knows what amazing things you will discover with us next! Keep dreaming, keep exploring, and keep inventing.